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  • Writer's pictureSorrex

Time go offline from Social Media


This was not easy for me too do but i feelt it was something that i had too because the toxic nature of Social Media and its extremely addictive algorithms that are just designed to keep you on while feeding you with constant impulsive content or something that will trigger you enough to stay and dig deeper into whatever it is the comment section should just speak for itself on how useless these platforms have become and they offer nothing of high quality to society and just drains everything from its users and the thing is you and me who have profiles on them are not the costumers WE ARE THE PRODUCTS the real costumers are the ones who are paying for theirs services on marketing.

Seriously if this was a business module presented today no one will invest and no lawmaker, regulater would NEVER allow this practise too be used since its just absolutely awful for society and we are seeing the side effects for the health of our population specially the younger people. Now you can pay for their services by buying AD spots on their platforms in return the you user get spammed with that along with impulsive content that keeps you hooked on there so this is how they have built an enormous wealth and capital also social capital and now they are almost too big too fail even if they do they are still holding a significant power.

These new generation dont know a life before Social Media so its important for adults to remind them how life was before this all and how to have a very healthy relationship with these devices and to do a digital detox too refresh their brain health and return once the internet is a lot healthier and better.

Just though that this was the new normal and things will never change and that we will never return to the way it was before but after doing Digital Detox myself i feelt hopeful and cheerful and happy too meet people again and not be afraid once your not online as much you dont care whats being posted there or even what the latest trend is even if someone posts something about you you dont simply care.

Now i got so much free time on my hands that i choose to spend on healthy learning and avoiding comment sections also not following politics as much or buying random stuff from ads feel just a lot better now and i want people who feel anxious that there is alternative options for a healthier lifestyle not saying smartphones and the internet is bad just that Social Media is.

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