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  • Writer's pictureSorrex

It's time for some Digital Detox

This is the topic ive been waiting for a long time to share with my fellow dear plebeians now this has been a long journey too reach this stage in my life where ive been living less addicted too the online realm and going outside a lot more. Seeing as more and more people on this planet are connected at the same time we feel more disconnected from each other than ever my only conclusion to this mess would be a call for a Digital Detox for a couple months ranging from 3 months to as far as 9 months depends on the person then refresh your thoughs and from there plan a way too live a healthy digital life.

When i did my first Digital Detox it came too my attention how everyone though how wierd and strange i was at the same time for just simply ignoring the online platforms and how wicked it was just too go and live underground but for me it didnt feel like this it feelt great too be finally free and just amazing touch of nostalgic feelings which i long though were overdue and forgotten permantly but coming back to these emotions filled me joy that i never though i would experience ever again.

Ever since 2010 this great experiment has been going on and very too little no interferance from anyone not even the goverment has stepped expect for China but over here in the west we are completely sucked into this and seeing as no one seems to care that it wasnt always like this and that were would interact with each once upon a time instead of just walking passt one another living in a 1984 society with being prisoners of our devices.

When smartphones and social media came around the corner the internet changed as did our society i could feel it in my emotions and in the behavior of others i saw once a picture on facebook which appear as meme where people were around the camp fire and socialising with each other and just below was a image of smartphones wheres peoples neck were stared down too.

I remember how it feelt seeing someone you liked or someone you never meet before this digital phase took over on a new level and that feeling i though would be long gone and we moved away from that but also too ignore the urge of talking to someone and just walk pass that person even if it was someone close too you in the previous paradigm.

Trying to refresh my memery of the joy and exciment at finally purging my social media accounts and just running to my door on my way out and run without a phone attached on my was a true experience of true free will that many are lacking now. It is almost insane how much time we spend our time on digital and doing absolutely nothing but being ignorant slaves that just click like and subscribe without any comprehension.

I tried several times too talk about this early on when smartphones really took and during that time no one understand what i meant with this to no avail and how they just though i was being wierdo and didnt pay that much attention too it but then when the lockdown were happening ( not for me ) people then were talking about this and the restrictive nature of modern technology.

But now it is your turn finally to break away from this cursed rotten evil and forge your own destiny where you use your free will for your own expansion and glory.

Good luck

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